Creating New Opportunities to an Exciting Future

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The future looks exciting as we move down a new path toward great opportunities. Certainly, 2020 has been both a scary and frustrating year. Moreover, 2021 doesn’t seem to be much better. But, there are new opportunities for anyone that has the vision to see possibility.

2020: the year of Renovation brings about a new Path

person in black pants and black boots standing on gray concrete stairs
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Last year, the Pandemic ravaged our world and tore down the structures that framed our society. In fact, there has been a collective struggle as the familiar has been seemingly destroyed. In spite of all the upheaval, we now have a new path to the future. Think of it as a makeover. The world is going through a reconstruction. Moreover, change brought by devastation can bring renewal. Imagine how you can use this for your advantage.

You can make it Happen: design a new future

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Have you heard the expression, “If someone gives you lemons, make lemonade”? In like manner, turning disadvantages into opportunities means thinking outside the box. Many of us are experiencing hardship. It’s time to evaluate our options and forge a new path. For instance, you may see injustice. Use your voice through blog or v-blog to create activism. Equally important, you may have lost a job. You could create a business. What products or services can you produce that may serve others in this time of need? Similarly, it may be time to reimagine your career path and work smarter, not harder. Sometimes the past no longer serves us, so we need to move forward to build a new future.

Where do we go from here? Finding possibility in a new world

green plant on white ceramic pot
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First of all, ask yourself the questions, “What do you want in your future? What do I need to get there? How long will it take?” These answers will help you set goals that will direct your path. Then, organize the steps you need to achieve your plan. Next, set the plan in motion. If problems come up, and they will, re-evaluate and restructure your plan. Don’t give up. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It takes hard work and perseverance to reach success. Finally, if you need inspiration, read here about people who failed before they succeeded. Good luck! Make your future happen!

By Kathy

Kathy Phillips is a teacher, musician, and writer. She has taught K-12 Public, K-8 private, and Adult Education in Music and English for 33 years.

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