Keeping a Positive Mindset of Gratitude

unrecognizable couple standing on rocky shore
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This is the time of the year when we focus on others. We strive to forgive and uplift ourselves and our families. It is the season that we see much greenery and sparkle in our annual holiday decorations. We also celebrate with food and music, which is sure to lighten our spirits.

The truth is that we really need to focus on this message this year. Honestly, it is that much harder to celebrate than in past years. There has been much loss and pain.

My heart is heavy for all of you that feel this pain. I send you much love and light to help lift you out of your darkness. Also, I wish for each of us a much better year in 2021.

This brings me to the point of today’s post: the mindset of gratitude. How does one stay positive and keep this in their forefront of their mind?

It begins with asking yourself, “what are you grateful for?”

There is much to be grateful for

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I asked myself that question as I shopped at my favorite store today. It was an ordinary shopping day and my mind wandered as I made my selections. I passed through the cleaning aisle and noted the full shelf of disinfectant wipes. Now here was a sight I hadn’t seen this for months since the great toilet paper shortage.

I don’t know how the pandemic presented itself in your community, but in my hometown people began to buy toilet paper like it was going out of style. Other necessities that disappeared from the shelves included the disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and bleach. Over the last several months I struggled to find disinfectant wipes. So, seeing a full shelf today was surprising.

It was in that moment that I had an epiphany. I stopped and looked at my surroundings and was struck by the abundant shelves of food and necessities. We have so much abundance and are so blessed. I mean it could be so much worse. But, we are able to come in and still make our purchases.

Yes, I know there are people that are having problems, but please hear me out. It begins with gratefulness. From there we must have vision to bring abundance to ourselves and others.

Perspective is everything

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If you believe you have nothing, you will have nothing. But the practice of the positive mindset of gratitude makes a difference.

I decided a long time ago that I would rather be happy, so I work very hard to remain optimistic and keep a positive mindset.

This does not mean that I am happy all the time. Nor does it mean that I don’t have challenges that have knocked me down.

What it does mean is that I work very hard to keep a positive mindset and lift my vibration. We all have challenges and we don’t always land on our feet. Yet there are things we can do to ensure that we remain centered and in control. We have our hearts and minds and bodies. We can control what we already have and work to use what we have to uplift ourselves and others.

Here are a few suggestions on how you can keep a positive mindset

smiling crop woman with red heart in hands
Photo by Puwadon Sang-ngern on
  1. Surround yourself with things that please you, whether that be pleasant smells or sounds. I enjoy the smell of coffee in the morning.
  2. Play your favorite music.
  3. Take time for yourself to pray or meditate.
  4. Try not to read or watch the news if it depresses you.
  5. Call a friend or family member.
  6. Dance or sing.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Do something kind for others. Donate to a food bank or shelter.
  9. Clean out your closet and donate your old clothes.
  10. Check with neighbors to see if they need anything from the store.
  11. Practice kindness and forgiveness toward yourself and others.
  12. Volunteer your time. Check out this organization to start

This is only a short list, but hopefully you get the idea. The more time you spend in gratefulness and positivity, the more you lift yourself out of your problems and think about helping your fellow human beings. I know that we could all make better use of our time this holiday season lifting each other’s loads.

Happy day of Gratefulness! Happy Winter Solstice!

By Kathy

Kathy Phillips is a teacher, musician, and writer. She has taught K-12 Public, K-8 private, and Adult Education in Music and English for 33 years.


  1. Wonderful thoughts on this winter solstice 2020 Kathy! Your thoughts are spot on, practical, tangible, and uplifting. I believe you have tapped into The root cause of pervasive sadness. Not to oversimplify it of course, but replacing destructive thoughts with ones of gratitude or something that we can have control over today. Thank you so much.

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